President's Report

Celebrating God’s Hand
on PBA for 55 Years


We are thrilled to celebrate 55 years of Palm Beach Atlantic University this year. We have seen God’s hand at work in countless ways, and we are so grateful for the growth He has blessed us with. As we celebrate this milestone, I want to thank those who have invested in PBA over the years, and those who continue to pour into our university today. PBA’s founders believed in God’s power and faithfulness, and they relied on His provision for our university. However, it was not always smooth sailing. When Dr. Jess Moody, senior pastor at First Baptist West Palm, and Dr. Donald Warren, a highly respected cardiologist in West Palm, set out to start a Christian college in South Florida in 1968, they faced many seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Views on higher education were negative, and many people stopped funding colleges and universities altogether. Despite the growing challenges, Dr. Moody and Dr. Warren kept their eyes fixed on the Lord and on His promises. Since its founding in 1968, God’s hand has been on PBA, and we are continuing to dream “God-Sized Dreams” for our university. Our theme verses this year are Philippians 4:6-7, which urge us to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present [our] requests to God.” The verses promise us that “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” I am thankful to serve a God who goes before us in every season, and whose mercies are new every morning. I pray that we will continue to seek Him in all circumstances, resting in the peace that comes from Him only. Learn more about PBA’s growth in stories grouped by our motto: Enlightening Minds, Enriching Souls, Extending Hands. Watch for QR codes or web addresses that will take you to related videos and other resources.


Dr. Debra A. Schwinn, President


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